November 19, 2023

Our conference has been featured!

Article on the Networking Support Scheme of the EU's European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases highlights our conference

We are overjoyed to share that our Argonaute Syndromes Conference 2022 has been selected as THE conference to spotlight the Networking Support Scheme of the EU's European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases! This recognition wouldn't have been possible without your continued support and dedication to our cause.

Dive into the article to explore how our conference made an impact highlighting the challenges of a rare disease, building invaluable connections and fostering new collaborations:

Read the article

We aim to continue our mission of providing essential support and fostering collaboration within the Argonaute syndromes community. We need your help to achieve this goal.

The EJPRD funding program has ended, and grassroots funding will be crucial for our next conference, which we believe can be another catalyst for change!

🤝 If you plan to donate on Giving Tuesday or towards year-end, please consider supporting our charity.

Your donations have made a significant difference in the lives of many families. The travel stipends, for example, enabled the families' in-person participation, fostering crucial learnings, connections, and hope. And it enabled researchers to meet the children whose lives are touched by their research breakthroughs.

Your generosity and support mean the world to us and our community. Thank you for considering to support our cause!
